Wednesday, January 5, 2022

THIS IS MY DESIRE - To Listen To You (Lesson 8)

What does it mean to LISTEN?

Describe what is needed to LISTEN - use examples, tools, actions that help us to understand the importance of LISTENING.

First Example: Moses' Encounter with God

Use this Video and explain your Encounter with your Father, Mom, Teacher, or a Sponsor.

I - The Special Sacramental Grace of Confirmation.

1. GRACE is a gift from God. There are 2 types of Grace that we discussed in later classes:

a. SANCTIFYING GRACE is a gift from God which gives to my soul a new life, a sharing in the life and love of God Himself. This makes my soul holy and pleasing to God; it makes me a child of God and an heir of heaven.  (John 15:1-6 - Jesus is the Vine)

b. ACTUAL GRACE is the help which the Holy Spirit gives me to know what I must do too please God and to want to do good. (Matthew 11:25-30 - Jesus invites all)

2. The Sacrament of Confirmation completes the effects of the Sacrament of Baptism. There are Five Effects:

a. Baptism takes away our Sin. We call this Purification.

b. Baptism renews you. You become a new creation.

c. Baptism incorporates us into the Body of Christ, and the Church. We become Him in the World. 

d. Baptism brings us together with all Christians who have received Baptism. All who have received Baptism in the Trinity, are our Brother and Sister. 

e. Baptism leaves an indelible mark. This Baptism can never be erased, changed, or forgotten. 

3. The Sacrament of Confirmation will make you as a Holy Christian, strengthening the 5 Effects of Baptism, so you can face your fear in light of your Faith in Christ.

4. Confirmation will help you to live up to the Life and Teachings of Jesus, pick up your Cross even when you are faced with criticism. 

II - Your Soul will Listen to His Voice

August believes that listening to sounds will lead him to his Parents. 
When we are LISTENING through Faith, we will be lead to God.

August encounters his Father by way of Sound and Music. His Faith was real, 
but he could not see the reality. Sound brought him to his father. 
God uses Faith to bring you to Himself.

1.    For our Soul to respond to God's Voice, prayer is needed. Like your Body needs Good Food, and Exercise to stay strong, you must allow God to build you up through Grace. God needs us to continue His work. 

a. John 3:1-18 - Jesus teaches Nicodemas about Baptism, and its Effects.

b. John 14:7-14 - Jesus teaches us that He is Divine. 

c. Matthew 28:16-20 - Jesus gives His Disciples His Missionary Command.

Let Us Pray: 

Light of the intellect, enlighten me.
Divine Fire of hearts, inflame me.
Fullness of souls, fill me.
Lord of grace and life, vivify me. 
In this vale of suffering, guide me. 
In my weakness, strengthen me. 
From stumbles and falls, deliver me. 
With your Divine Gifts, enrich me. 
With your presence, console me. 
By your Divine operations, sanctify me. 
My Jesus, transform me.
that having been faithful upon earth, 
I may be eternally happy in heaven, 
in the perfect reflection of your love.


Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

HOMEWORK # 8 - Due Sunday

1. Watching the videos, compare the Encounter of Moses with the Encounter of August Rush - What are the similarities or connections to their Encounter with God?

Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 13 & 14 - Answer these Questions

     1. Where did Paul & Barnabas go on their First Mission?

     2. Who was Elymas?

     3. What happened to the people when they heard Paul’s preaching in the Synagogue? What happened       when Paul & Barnabas spoke to the Gentiles the next day?

     4. What happened to Paul & Barnabas at Lystra? What did they people think of Paul & Barnabas?

     5. What was the reaction of the Jews from Antioch?

     6. At the end of their Mission, what did Paul & Barnabas say and do at Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch?       Why did Paul say it was necessary for them to go through hardship?