Thursday, December 23, 2021

THIS IS MY DESIRE - To Be One With You (Lesson 7)

I - Confirmation is the Sacrament that gives you spiritual strength. 

1. It makes of you a more open vessel in receiving the Life of God, and gives ACTUAL GRACES to live your vocation to the fullest.

2. Like BAPTISM, CONFIRMATION leaves an INDELIBLE mark on your soul, and spiritually regenerates you or cleans you spiritually. CONFIRMATION leaves also a mark on your soul.

A. INDELIBLE means a “mark that can never be erased.

3. When you receive Confirmation, your life and experience grows closer to God in Spiritual Friendship. Like any other relationship, you have to work at through prayer, sacrifice, knowing and learning who God is in your life, will draw to holiness.

4. We receive SANCTIFYING GRACE, which God gives us His supernatural strength to face spiritual and physical dangers, making us aware or alert of those things that can, and will threaten our spiritual journey to be one with God.

A. We receive other strengths called VIRTUES, which are infused into our soul, as well as gifts from the Holy Spirit that makes us strong enough to face obstacles that threaten our relationship with God. Our relationship with God is salvific.

5. We are given ACTUAL GRACE, which illuminates or inspires us to reach God and to live a spiritual life. In other words, with ACTUAL GRACE, God gives you the spiritual strengths needed to live your faith without fear of any obstacles in your way. This strength is assured by God and while in need of Him, God will respond to our needs.

A. As interior aids for your spiritual journey, God will continue to give you what you need.

B. There are exterior graces that God provides as well - like person (family, sponsors, friends, etc), places, even things - to protect you along your journey. For God, your vocation to Him is important.

II - The Way to Divine Life

1. To be one with God, and to grow in His Divine Life of Grace, we need the Sacraments, Prayer, hearing and reading of the Word of God, and a commitment to serving others, as Christ would do.

A. We are called by God to Love our Enemies - Matt 5:38-48

B. We are called by God to share our gifts and to pray - Matt 6:1-8

C. In prayer, Jesus teaches us to call God “Our Father...” – Matt 6:9-15

D. Our Lord cautions us about our choices may lead us to Death or Life, and to be aware of false prophets - Matt 7:13-23

E. How we should build our foundation - Matt 7:24-29

F. To persevere in prayer - Don’t Stop! Even if it we do not know the outcome - Luke 11:5-13

G. To know and serve Christ in those in need - Matt 25:31-46

H. To ask always in Christ’s Name - John 16:23-2


God Holy Spirit, infinite Love of the Father and the Son, through the pure hands of Mary, your Immaculate Spouse, I place myself this day, and all the days of my life your chosen altar, the Divine Heart of Jesus, as a sacrifice to you, consuming Fire, being firmly resolved now more than ever to hear your voice, and to do in all things your most holy and adorable will. Amen

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

HOMEWORK # 7 - Due Sunday

1. On the video, find an example of Sanctifying Grace, and Actual Grace.

2. Choose from (II: From A-H), a Gospel Passage that stands out for you? Write 3 sentences of what it means to you. 

Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 11 & 12 - Answer these Questions

1. What did the voice say to Peter about eating unclean animals?

      2. Which of the two Saints were at the Church at Antioch? 

      3. What did the disciples do when the prophet Agabus announced a famine during the period of Emperor Claudius’ Reign?

     4. Who freed St. Peter from prison? How did he escape? 

     5. Who struck down King Herod? 

     6. Who is the man that joins Barnabas and Saul? What was his second name?