Wednesday, January 19, 2022

This Is My Desire: To Be You (Lesson 10)

What does it mean to be a WITNESS?

The word WITNESS comes from the Latin word Testimonium, which means to see, hear, or know by personal presence or my perception. To be present at an event, a spectator or bystander. From a religious perspective, it is towards a person, or an event(s) of where and what that person did that has affected your life. We call this a MARTYR. 

A MARTYR is a WITNESS who surrenders his or her life, like Christ did on the Cross. The Latin word for MARTYR is Martyris For the MARTYR, if  "Christ died to save me, I will do the same out of love, for Him." We've read an example of a Martyr named St. Stephen, who is the First Martyr of the Church. (Acts of the Apostles Chapter 6, & Chapter 7)

I - Confirmation Makes You A Witness.

1. When we receive Confirmation, the sacrament IMPRINTS on us the power of Christ to speak about your reason for following Him, to our family, our friends, our neighbors, community, our Church, and the world; of how He has made you AWESOME. Your attitude, your feelings, the way you look at life and live it, will make a deep impression on those around you. 

a. You become fearless in your journey to live your vocation in Christ. 

b. Your loyalty to Him is not out of force, but out of a genuine love for Him who made you a different person. Click on this link: OUR RESPONSIBILITY AS CATHOLICS

c. You Trust in Him out of love, and you are more willing to know Him, learn from Him, and His teachings, by way of the Scriptures, through the lives of the Saints, through preaching of the Priests or Deacons at Mass, your spiritual formation, and continual formation for the journey. 

2. You are not in this alone - your classmates are in this Journey with you - as you bond together through prayer and service, your spirituality will deepen with Christ. 

a. Confirmation is a Catholic Action - A choice you make that will transform your life and the lives you serve. 

b. In Baptism, the Spirit of God will bless you as His child. In Confirmation, the Spirit of God confirms your Mission to bring others to Christ. You have His Power to make this world a better place.

II - The Sacraments of Initiation Strengthen Your Desire To Be Like Him

1. Before my Confirmation, I renew my Baptismal Promises - the ones my Parents and Godparents said for me. Why? Because it is my choice to live for Christ, and I urged by Him to grown in His Divine Strength. 

2. Like our bodies need food, water, exercise, air, the sun, contact with people - you need spirituality: the sacraments, prayer, hearing the word of God, studying His teachings, the practice of your faith in the service of others. 

3. Our Lord gives us the Eucharist - His Body and Blood on Sunday, and everyday - to give us strength to talk about Him. 

4. Other strengths He gives us:

a. Praying for people.

b. Being a good example - Imitating Christ in your Life.

c. To suffer bravely when you have to. 

d. By doing works of kindness (Works of Mercy)

e. Helping in the Mission of Christ. 

f. Encourage Life Vocations (Single Life, Marriage, Diaconate, the Priesthood, Religious Life.)

g. Joining in the Apostolic work of the Parish.

h. Receiving the Body of Christ on Sunday, and possibly daily, as well as going to Confession. 

5. One does not need Confirmation to make it to Heaven, but it can give tremendous strength to us to reach for God in Heaven. 

a. If you received Baptism, you should receive Confirmation. 

b. Like Communion, we must be in a state of grace. So we need to Make a Good Confession, like the one we did before receiving our Communion. Click on the video. 

6. To help you along your Spiritual Journey in receiving a Confirmation and living it, you need a Sponsor. He or she must have

a. Received Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation

b. Be 16 years or older

c. Be a practicing Catholic (Going to Sunday Mass, and able to receive Communion)

d. Can be Single, or Married by Church

This is a great example of a Sponsor who helps a teen in their struggle to grow. As part of the Journey, he calls the Teen's father to participate in this Spiritual Journey. 

NOTE: You can pick your Sponsor from Baptism, to be your Sponsor for Confirmation. 


HOMEWORK # 11 - Due Sunday

I - Reflection Question

1. What is stands out about this image of Superman? In your Journey with Christ, what do you think Christ is asking from you? 

II - Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 19 & 20 - Answer these questions

Chapter 19 & 20

1.       St. Paul encountered people who baptized differently – who baptized them? What did St. Paul do to these people?

2.    St. Paul did mighty works in the hands of the Lord; what were the two of things that touched Paul’s skin and were used to heal people?

3.       What happened to a Jewish High Priest who tried to use the name of Jesus in an exorcism?

4.       What was the issue with the Silversmiths? Who stopped the riot?

5.       When St. Paul was about to set sail to Syria, who tried to get plot against him?

6.       Who fell asleep while St. Paul was speaking? What did St. Paul do?

7.       Why was St. Paul hurrying to Jerusalem? What was that feast day about? (See notes – History of Confirmation)

8.       In Paul’s farewell speech, why did the Christian’s cried and hugged St. Paul? In your own words, what did Paul tell them?