Thursday, January 27, 2022

I Believe - The Gift of Faith (Lesson 11)

1. In your spiriual journey towards receiving Confirmation, Our Father and Our Lord have sent us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives within us, like He lives in the Church. 

a. The Holy Spirit is the one that makes me Holy. The word Holy comes from the Latin word "Sanctus", which means "set apart". It is God's Grace in your life that makes you Holy. We call this Sanctifying Grace. Think of it like a electricity flowing through wires to activate a light fixture, or to charge your devices through an outlet. Once plugged into the outlet, the device responds to the electricity. 

b. The Holy Spirit came to us during our Baptism, when your parents brought you to the Trinity. Your parents spoke for you, and made a promise with your sponsors to walk with you in your spiritual journey. Here begins your personal journey to FAITH.

I - What is Faith?

1. We experience FAITH in ordinary ways. One way close to home is when you are asked to do a task - Let's say at home: Like a chore you are given every week to do. - You are reminded of doing the chore each week, until you remember doing it, and practicing it. When you have memorized the time, and practice of it, you do it without being told. It comes natural, meaning, "I do it because I am helping out my family maintain the house."

a. FAITH comes in - you know that the good you do will be recognized, acknowledged, and possibly rewarded. By experience, your parent, or a family member will respond to your work. 

i. FAITH goes as far as how you interact with your teachers, your employer, or your mentors. 

ii. It is what we call a Human Faith, which comes from this Spiritual FAITH that helps us to trust in God, and those He has sent to help us. 

2. FAITH is the divine VIRTUE by which we firmly believe, on the word of God, all the truths He has made known. 

In Sacred Scripture we learn about FAITH:

Our Lord Walks on Water. (Matthew 14:22-33
Our Lord calls us to believe. (John 6:60-71)
Jesus cures a little girl through the pleading of her mother (Matthew 15:21-28)
Jesus cures the man who cannot hear and speak. (Mark 7:31-37)
St. Peter cures a man who wants to walk (Act 3:1-10)

a. A VIRTUE is a habit which comes with God's grace and helps us to do good, more easily, because we have practiced them through maturing. 

Jesus tell us how the Holy Spirit will Act in us. (John 16:5-15)

i. The word VIRTUE comes from the Latin word VIRTŪS which means, "Maleness, & worth". In other words, it means STRENGTH. 

ii. This STRENGTH is spiritual, which God blesses you through SANCTIFYING GRACE. God gives you new life. With this life, you share in the life and love of God. You also have His STRENGTH to 'Make it in life". Spiritual FAITH means you have Trust in Him. 

b. There are three important VIRTUES that He gives to us for our Holiness - FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE (which we sometimes call CHARITY). 

i. CHARITY is love that is shown to others, or we say, Love in Action.

Let us pray to the Holy Spirit...

COME, O Creator Spirit blest, And in our souls take up Your rest, Come with Your grace and Heavenly aid, And fill the hearts which You have made. Great Paraclete! To You we cry, O highest gift of God most high! O fount of life! O fire of love! And sweet anointing from above. You in Your Sevenfold gifts are known, The finger of God's hand we own; The promise of the Father, You! Who do the tongue with power endow. Kindle our senses from above, And make our hearts over flow with love; with patience firm and virtue high, the weakness of our flesh supply. Far from us drive the foe we dread, And grant us Your true peace instead; So shall we not, with You for guide, Turn from the path of life aside. Oh, may Your grace on us bestow the Father and the Son to know, and You through endless times confessed of both the Eternal Spirit blest. All glory while the ages run, be to the Father and the Son, who rose from death; and glory, too, O Holy Spirit, given to me. Amen. 

Send us your Spirit and we will be created. And you will renew the face of the earth. 

The Act of Faith...

O my God, I firmly believe all the truths that the holy Catholic Church believes and teaches; I believe these truths, O Lord, because of You, the infallible Truth, have revealed them to her; in this faith I am resolved to live and die. Amen

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

Queen of Angels, pray for us. 

HOMEWORK # 11 - Due Sunday

I - Reflection Question

1. In Line #2; Which of the 5 Scripture Passages represents your experience today? Which character in the passage reminds you of yourself? Why? 

II - Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 21 & 22 - Answer these questions

1. Who told Paul not to go to the City of Jerusalem? 

2. Paul went to the House of Philip - what did the author mean that Philip was "one of the seven"? What was the gift that Philip's daughters have? 

3. Who came to visit Paul during his time with Philip? What did Philip tell and show Paul, if he went to Jerusalem? What was Paul's response to the people?

4. When Paul was arrested. what did he say to the Commander that convinced him to grant permission to speak before the Jewish crowd?

5. Who did Paul mention as his teacher of the law and his zeal for God?

6. What did Paul say to the Commander when he threatened to scourge him (Acts 22:24-29)?

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