Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Your Initiation: Called to Stand for Christ – (PT1) Lesson 4

 Did you know that as Catholics, we have a West and East type of Spirituality?

I – In the Beginning… The East, then came the West.

1.       We as Catholics in the United States are part of the Western Church. It is sometimes described as the “Latin Rite”, which points towards the language used in Ancient Rome. But the Roman’s also have a strong heritage with the East, and spoke Greek. We called this the “Eastern Rite”, which has Christian Spirituality rooted in Egyptian, Jewish or Semitic Cultures that were in Africa, and lastly in the far Northeast (around the areas of Russia).

a.       Eastern Catholic Celebrations of the Mass and the Sacraments have similarities, but differ with custom, language, and local traditions.

2.     2. For us as the ‘Western Church”, the celebration of Confirmation has also always remained the same celebration, with just a slight difference – language, wording, and expression. Check out this video on brief explanation on the Eastern Rite and Western Rite celebration of the Mass.

3.       Now, getting back to the Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation in the West, the celebrant will always be the Bishop of the Diocese or Archbishop ‘/ Cardinal of the Archdiocese.

a.       Since we are in the Diocese of Brooklyn, the Bishop is the Celebrant

b.      When he is in need of help, Auxilary Bishops are called to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.

c.      In extreme circumstances, or when we are celebrating Easter, the Pastor is given authority to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.

d.     The Sacrament of the Confirmation is done within the celebration of the Mass. It is called the RITE of Confirmation, which comes before receiving Holy Communion. A RITE (In Latin: RĪTUS) is a formal or ceremonial act or procedure prescribed or customary in religious or other solemn use.

4.       Before the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated, all Confirmandi’s are asked to stand and renew their BAPTISMAL PROMISES. Formation Classes Attachements/Confirmation/ConfirmationRevisedTranslation.pdf

a.      When you were Baptized, your Parents and Godparents were the ones who said the BAPTISMAL PROMISES to the God, the Priest, and to their families. It was a promise made to God, so that you will know Him during your Spiritual Journey – your maturing.


II – Strength to face anything…

5.       As we learned about the word, CONFIRMATION, it means:

a.       Making Strong

 b.      Strengthening of your will to face odds


 c.       Courage


 d.      Bravery


 e.      Valor


HOMEWORK # 4 - Due Sunday

1. On the Video on the Eastern Catholics, explain the difference of Garment worn by the Bishop of the Eastern Rite and the Western Rite?

2. Looking at the 5 Videos under the meaning of Confirmation on "II", choose one video that speaks to you? What is it about the word that inspires you? 

3. Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 5 & 6

    A..What happened to Ananias and Sapphira? Why did St. Peter confirm what would happen?

2.         B..In what way did St. Peter heal the sick?

3.         C.. Who was the Priest that defended the Apostles before the Sanhedrin?

4.         D. How many helpers did the Twelve Apostles need to support them in the Community of believers?

5.         E. Who was St Stephen, and what did he do to provoke the crowd?

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The History of Confirmation – How it all happened (Lesson 3)

Scripture tells of the day when the Disciples received the Power of the Holy Spirit. It says, When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem.

At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. They were astounded, and in amazement they asked, “Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans? Then how does each of us hear them in his own native language?

We are Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene, as well as travelers from Rome, both Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs, yet we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty acts of God. They were all astounded and bewildered, and said to one another, “What does this mean?” (Acts of the Apostles 2:1-12)

I – The Feast of Pentecost:

1.       Otherwise known as the Feast of First Fruits – A Jewish Celebration where the People of God offer their First Born, First Grown, First Live Stocks and Sacrifices to the Lord, in honor of His Blessings. 

Jesus, the First Born. 
It is called PENTECOST because it is 50 days after the Sabbath – For us Christians, our Sabbath is Easter.

3.       As we have read, PENTECOST is the Feast that the Apostles and Mary were preparing, right after Jesus ASCENDED into Heaven. The Apostles committed themselves to Prayer and Fellowship for Nine Days, to prepare in receiving the Holy Spirit for their Mission. We call this type of Nine Day prayer, a NOVENA. Click on this link to the NOVENA TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, which we will start Nine Days before you receive Confirmation.

a.       The Ascension is the belief that Jesus, by His own Power, goes to His Father in Heaven. It should not be confused with the RESURRECTION. The ASCENSION was after the Resurrection, where Jesus showed His Disciples that Death had no Power over Him. (Acts 1:1-27)

4.       On this day, the Disciples of Jesus were given the strength to Proclaim the Mighty works of the Lord in their lives. This is why Disciples are called APOSTLES – they had an important Message of Hope to tell the world.

a.       Saint Peter describes his experience of receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit as the first sign of Jesus ushering the MESSIANIC AGE.

b.      Those who were moved by Saint Peter’s words, were moved to receive Baptism. This is why your Parents and Godparents did for you when you were babies.

c.       The Disciples of Jesus later would LAY HANDS on the Baptized Christians, giving them the same Power of the Holy Spirit, which we call CONFIRMATION.

d.      The Disciples considered this a completion of Baptism.   

e.      For 2,000 Years, the Disciples have passed this Catholic Tradition to their Successors: Bishops, and Priests, so that the Church can be ONE with God’s Mission.

                                                               i.      Water is used for Baptism, while CHRISM is used for Confirmation – CHRISM is Perfumed Olive Oil that is used for anointing a Christian on the forehead. It is also used for those young men who have been called to the PRIESTHOOD.

                                                             ii.      Water is used for Purification (Sin is taken away), and the sign that one has entered into the Life of Christ and His Church. The CHRISM is the sign that one is Sealed with Eternal Life – this means that the Spirit of God will lead you towards Heaven. This is what Christ promised us.

II – What is the Sacrament of Confirmation?

1.       CONFIRMATION means, “making strong” or “strengthening”. In other words, Jesus, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, gives you His strength.

2.       Christ is the one who gives us this Sacrament, which shows us an outward Sign of His Grace.

a.       The signs of Grace are 1) Laying Hands 2) The Sign of the Cross 3) The CHRISM

3.       In the Gospels, Jesus often talked with His Disciples of sending us the Holy Spirit to guide us. The Book of Acts of the Apostles describes the experience of receiving the Holy Spirit, and how He guides them to Proclaim Jesus to the World.

4.     Passing on this authority of giving the Sacrament, the Successors to the Apostles, the Bishops of the Catholic Church, together with the Pope, continue this beautiful tradition.

a.       It is important to remember that the Bishop is the only one that celebrates the Rite of Confirmation, but when in great need of help, he can give the authority to your Pastor or Priests. This can only happen when a person is about to die, or there are too many people who are receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.

b.      When the Bishop or Priest his thumb into the CHRISM, he will make the Sign of the Cross on your forehead and say your name (Saint Name) “Be Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.” Our response is, “Amen”

c.       The Sign of the Cross means that 1) Our sins have been taken away, restoring our life to God. 2) That we share in the suffering of Christ, while at the same time, Jesus gives us strength to stand up to sin, by the Power of His Cross.

Homework #3: Due Sunday

Read Acts of the Apostles - Chapters 3 & 4 and Answer these Questions

1. What did St. Peter do to the Crippled Beggar? What name did he use? 

2. In Chapter 3: 24-26, summarize in your own words what St. Peter said to the people?

3. What was the reaction of Caiaphas to Peter, when the Apostles were brought before the        Sanhedrin? 

4. What happened during the Prayer time with the Community (Chapter 4:23-31)?

5. What did the Apostles and Disciples of Jesus do for the community (Chap 4:32-37)

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

His Promise To You – The Holy Spirit (Lesson 2)

I – The Holy Spirit – With Christ… With You!

1.       It is important to know that the Holy Spirit was always by the Lord’s Side.

a.       He is the Third Person of the Trinity.

b.      He assisted Jesus in fulfilling His MESSIANIC Mission.

  i.      What does the word, MESSIANIC mean to us.

2.       It comes from the word MESSIAH, which is Hebrew for ANNOINTED. MESSIAH is translated in the Greek language as CHRISTOS, which we get the word CHRIST.

3.       So the MESSIANIC Mission is to Proclaim the GOOD NEWS – God is with us, and brings us freedom from Sin.

4.       We as CHRISTIANS – followers of CHRIST, share in His ANNOINTING through BAPTISM. Later, we are given strength beyond our imagination, through the Sacrament of Confirmation.

c.       When Jesus received the Holy Spirit through the Baptism of John, He was lead to do this Mission. (The Gospel of John 1:19-34)

i.      This was told by the Prophets of Old, written in the Hebrew Old Testament, which was translated in Greek, for Jewish People who lived in the Greek Cities, and Culture under the Roman Empire.

ii.      Jesus proclaims a reading from the Prophet Isaiah, telling the people it is Him who was sent to fulfill the MESSIANIC MISSION. (The Gospel of Luke 4:16-30)

d.      Just like the Holy Spirit guided Jesus, He would guide us as well. (The Gospel of John 16:5-15)

i.      Giving us the courage to tell people what Jesus has done for you!

ii.      To stand up to folks who may scare you in not talking about Jesus.

e.      Jesus promised His disciples that He would send them the Holy Spirit to continue His MESSIANIC Mission – You will be called to continue sharing His Messianic Mission as well. This is why you are preparing for Confirmation. It will be your turn to speak about what Jesus has done for you, can do through you, and your World.  

II – His Spirit will ANOINT US – (2nd Letter to the Corinthians 1:21-22)

1.        As we said before the, the Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity.

2.       There are 2 points in the Sacred Scriptures (BIBLE), which speaks about Jesus sending us the Holy Spirit

a.       1st – When Jesus breathed on His Disciples (The Gospel of St. John 20:19-23)

b.      2nd – The Most famous scene – Where the Disciples waited for the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, which we celebrate at the end of May or around June – depending on the Calendar. (Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11)

i.      Pentecost is the Hebrew Feast of the First Fruits – where our Jewish Brothers and Sisters offer to God the First Gifts they received: Birth of the First Born, First Born Animals, or First Production.

ii.      Here, Jesus offers His Disciples up to the Holy Spirit as His First Fruits – The Baptized CHRISTIANS. Here, they are fully aware of their Mission as Apostles – Ones who have a Message to share with the World. There is only one passage in the Old Testament, where we find the word APOSTLE, which describes their role in proclaiming an important message. (1st Book of Kings 14:6)

3.       The Holy Spirit is sent to us, His Church, to guide and protect us along this Spiritual Journey. The Holy Spirit lives in the Church, and gives life to us all.

4.       The Holy Spirit is the one who makes us Saints. Another word for saints is HOLY – The old English word for Holy is HALLOW. Here, the Holy Spirit gives us Grace to be Awesome.

5.       The Holy Spirit is given to you by way of your Baptism, where your parents brought you to God, and promised to give you the Gospel Message, so that you may live it.

6.       The Holy Spirit lives in us by way of Sanctifying Grace – this is through the Sacrament of Penance and Communion, which continuously transforms us to be more like Jesus – who is Holy..

7.       The Sacrament of Confirmation, which you will receive, was given to you by Christ, so that you may understand and live a special life, destined for God.

Homework 2: Due Sunday

I. Read Chapter 1 & 2 of Acts of the Apostles. Answer the following question.

1. Who would be the Person giving instructions to the Apostles?
2. What did the Angel tell the Apostles after Jesus left them?
3. What did the First Community do when they stayed in the Upper Room?
4. Who was the Successor of Judas?
5. Which people were “astounded” by the Apostles proclamation of the Good news?
6. St. Peter quoted the Prophet Joel – What did Joel write in Chapter 2 verse 17?

II.  In the short clip – X-Men First Class, what was Young Professor Xavier teaching his friend to do? What did it require for him to respond to Young Professor Xavier?

III. Who do you think needs a word of encouragement from you? Name that person, and why do they need it? 


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

His Strength Is All You Need (Lesson 1)


 When was the last time you bought new shoes?

I – Just as my Body Grows, my Spiritual Life Grows 

1. Every year, your parents celebrate the day of your birth. It is a constant reminder for you that you are getting older and maturing physically and also spiritually.

a. Baptism reminds you of this constant renewal of life                                                 

b. Communion reminds you that God is always their to take care of you physically and spiritually 

c. In Confirmation, God is going strengthen you with His Love and Blessing. 

2. Confirmation goes hand and hand with your maturing in life.

a. Just as your body needs nourishment for strength, your soul needs the Eucharist for spiritual and physical strength to face the challenges in life. 

b. God will always remind you that He will be by your side. How? 

II – Jesus made a promise to His friends, the Disciples. He will send the Holy Spirit

1. Remember, we believe in One God, in Three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

2. The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity

3. Why do we need the Spirit?

a. When a human being is not moving, it is believed that his or her spirit has left them?

b. God gives us our own spirit, to live.

c. Just as Christ has His a Body, we have a body - together, we make up what is called the Church. As we need a spirit, the Church needs the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is what moves the Church.

d. We need the Holy Spirit to help us come closer to God. We also need the Holy Spirit to help us to believe “We are children of God”. This is why we call God our Father. We also need the Holy Spirit to give us Strength to be like Jesus, who was not afraid to tell people about His Father’s Plan of Salvation.

4. Here are some Bible verses to look at about the Holy Spirit giving strength to Jesus:

a. Jesus receives Baptism and sees the Holy Spirit: (pg 84, # 14) Matthew 3:13-17

b. Jesus is lead by the Spirit to help people: (pg 86, #16) John 1:19-34

c. He relied on the Spirit of God to help Him (pg 206-207, #127) John 14:15-21

d. He also acknowledged that the Spirit was the one who strengthen Him: John 14:15-21

5. Knowing the Spirit of God – Jesus promised His friends that the Holy Spirit will help them in times of trials and sufferings. He will strengthen their faith.

6. Before, and after His death, Jesus promised the Disciples the Holy Spirit - where He will stay with them forever. This meant that the Holy Spirit will stay with you too!

7. He would give to His Disciples Strength to face obstacles in their lives and in the lives of others, as they will give hope to people – This is the same Spirit that God wants to give to you.

In this video, Chris Padgett explains the experience of receiving the Holy Spirit. Check it out

QUESTION: Name that Obstacle in your life that scares you, makes you doubt yourself, and does not let you believe in what God can do for you? Chris Padgett speaks of what the Holy Spirit can do for you - name "1" strength you want from the Holy Spirit to get you over that obstacle?

REMINDER: Memorize the Apostles Creed, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and Glory Be. Click here!


HOMEWORK #1 - Due on Sunday at 3PM
1. Memorize the Notes, and Prayers: the Apostles Creed, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and Glory Be.
3. See the Vid by Chris, and answer this question: Name the Obstacle you Struggle with, and Name 1 Strength that you want the Holy Spirit to give to you to overcome this Obstacle. Post your answer on the FAITH FORMATION HOME ICON on the Welcome post above.