Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Your Initiation: Called to Stand for Christ – (PT1) Lesson 4

 Did you know that as Catholics, we have a West and East type of Spirituality?

I – In the Beginning… The East, then came the West.

1.       We as Catholics in the United States are part of the Western Church. It is sometimes described as the “Latin Rite”, which points towards the language used in Ancient Rome. But the Roman’s also have a strong heritage with the East, and spoke Greek. We called this the “Eastern Rite”, which has Christian Spirituality rooted in Egyptian, Jewish or Semitic Cultures that were in Africa, and lastly in the far Northeast (around the areas of Russia).

a.       Eastern Catholic Celebrations of the Mass and the Sacraments have similarities, but differ with custom, language, and local traditions.

2.     2. For us as the ‘Western Church”, the celebration of Confirmation has also always remained the same celebration, with just a slight difference – language, wording, and expression. Check out this video on brief explanation on the Eastern Rite and Western Rite celebration of the Mass.

3.       Now, getting back to the Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation in the West, the celebrant will always be the Bishop of the Diocese or Archbishop ‘/ Cardinal of the Archdiocese.

a.       Since we are in the Diocese of Brooklyn, the Bishop is the Celebrant

b.      When he is in need of help, Auxilary Bishops are called to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.

c.      In extreme circumstances, or when we are celebrating Easter, the Pastor is given authority to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.

d.     The Sacrament of the Confirmation is done within the celebration of the Mass. It is called the RITE of Confirmation, which comes before receiving Holy Communion. A RITE (In Latin: RĪTUS) is a formal or ceremonial act or procedure prescribed or customary in religious or other solemn use.

4.       Before the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated, all Confirmandi’s are asked to stand and renew their BAPTISMAL PROMISES. Formation Classes Attachements/Confirmation/ConfirmationRevisedTranslation.pdf

a.      When you were Baptized, your Parents and Godparents were the ones who said the BAPTISMAL PROMISES to the God, the Priest, and to their families. It was a promise made to God, so that you will know Him during your Spiritual Journey – your maturing.


II – Strength to face anything…

5.       As we learned about the word, CONFIRMATION, it means:

a.       Making Strong

 b.      Strengthening of your will to face odds


 c.       Courage


 d.      Bravery


 e.      Valor


HOMEWORK # 4 - Due Sunday

1. On the Video on the Eastern Catholics, explain the difference of Garment worn by the Bishop of the Eastern Rite and the Western Rite?

2. Looking at the 5 Videos under the meaning of Confirmation on "II", choose one video that speaks to you? What is it about the word that inspires you? 

3. Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 5 & 6

    A..What happened to Ananias and Sapphira? Why did St. Peter confirm what would happen?

2.         B..In what way did St. Peter heal the sick?

3.         C.. Who was the Priest that defended the Apostles before the Sanhedrin?

4.         D. How many helpers did the Twelve Apostles need to support them in the Community of believers?

5.         E. Who was St Stephen, and what did he do to provoke the crowd?