Friday, April 29, 2022

PASTORAL YOUTH - Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit

 "Be SEALED with the Gift of the Holy Spirit", are the words the Bishop, or Priest would say when you receive Confirmation. 

A SEAL is an embossed emblem, figure, symbol, word, letter, used as attestation or evidence of authenticity. Jesus teaches us what our SEAL means for us as His followers. 

Judas, not the Iscariot, said to him, “Master, [then] what happened that you will reveal yourself to us and not to the world?” Jesus answered and said to him,

“Whoever loves me will keep my word,
and my Father will love him,
and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.

"Whoever does not love me does not keep my words;
yet the word you hear is not mine but that of the Father who sent me.

“I have told you this while I am with you.

“The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you.” John 14:22-26

1. Using the Chrism Oil, the Bishop or Priest makes the Sign of the Cross on your forehead, saying these words, which means that:

a. You have the assurance that God has redeemed you by His Grace through by the death of Christ on the Cross.

b. You are joined to the Suffering, and Passion of Christ, to help you in fighting sin. 

c. This SEAL confirms that your soul has been imprinted with His mark as a follower of Christ. We call this an INDELIBLE mark.

2. How do we see this SEAL work in our lives? How do we see God's power manifest in us? 

The Making of Captain America - Connects to the the Holy Spirit
makes us different, yet we remain the same person. 

When we receive the SEAL, God gives us a fearless attitude to face and stop sin. Batman puts on the his suit as a SEAL for his Vocation, but a symbol that  brings fear to his enemies. This SEAL helps him to be courageous. 

Young people are inspired by courageous people in their lives. That's why we choose a saint to watch over us. Here, the Mikey mentions Chester Copperpot who inspired him to find One Eye Willie's lost treasure. For us, the treasure is Christ. 

Tony Hawk shows his courage in facing his great challenge - the highest obstacle he ever beat as a Skate Boarder. He overcomes this obstacle, which hurt him. Like Tony, we have to face similar obstacles, some that will bring us terror. God puts in our spirit the courage to face these challenges. 


To have this SEAL makes us an Authentic Follower of Christ. It confirms we are Children of God, and that nothing, no matter how great it is, can scare us from reaching our potential!


Light of the intellect, enlighten me.
Divine Fire of hearts, inflame me.
Fullness of souls, fill me.
Lord of grace and life, vivify me. 
In this vale of suffering, guide me. 
In my weakness, strengthen me. 
From stumbles and falls, deliver me. 
With your Divine Gifts, enrich me. 
With your presence, console me. 
By your Divine operations, sanctify me. 
My Jesus, transform me.
that having been faithful upon earth, 
I may be eternally happy in heaven, 
in the perfect reflection of your love.


Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

HOMEWORK # 9 - Due Sunday

1. In point# 2, choose 1 video that inspires you to be COURAGEOUS? Explain why.

Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 15 & 16

1. What did the Disciples of Jesus debate about at the Council of Jerusalem

2. What was James final judgment about the Gentiles? 

3. Who did they send to Antioch with Paul & Barnabas?

4. Why did Paul and Barnabas separate from their journey?

5. Who join Paul in his Journey to Lycaonia? What did the author mention about this persons family background?

6. Why was Paul sent to Prison?