Thursday, March 24, 2022

Our Lenten Journey - All or Nothing: The Story of Sr. Clare

Tonight is different Class, focused on the life of young girl who had a dream of becoming a famous. God would call her to different life. This is the story of Sr Clare Crockett. 

Your homework for tonight,  and for this week is to watch it with your family. Yes, you must watch it together. It is in English and in Spanish. You can even share it with you sponsor. But you and your parents must watch it, and answer the questions as this is part of your journey in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

All or Nothing: In English

Todo O Nada: En Espanol

HOMEWORK #15 - Due Sunday

I - Confirmandi and Parents - It is very important that you join in this exercise. Together, please answer the questions, and submit them on the link below. 

1. Lent is time focused on building our relationship with God through Prayer - this is what Sr. Clare try to practice: 
a. Confirmandi - Where and when do you have time for Prayer? Have you put it into practice?
b. Parents - Do you make time to bring your family to pray for blessings? What are some of the things you have seen God do in your life, and in your child's life?

2. Lent is time of Sacrifice to better our relationship with God, with family, and with our neighbors - this is what Sr. Clare practiced:
a. Confirmandi - What do you think you need to let go to get closer to God? 
b. Parents - What are things that get in your way to have deep with God, your family, ad your neighbor? 

3. Lent is time of Giving to those who need - this is what Sr. Clare practiced:
a. Confirmandi - What gift or gifts you think God has given to you that you would like to share with people?
b. Parents - What do you imagine your child becoming in the future? What is your hope? How would you feel about the possibility of your child choosing a different Vocation/Future? 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

His Stregnth Will Make You Different - Part 2 (Lesson 15)

 We continue with our class of Lesson 14 - His Strength Will Make You Different (PT1)

I - As we mentioned before, there are set of gifts that the Spirit of God puts into our soul - they are called the SEVEN GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord. In this lesson, we will learn about the remaining 3 Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord

1. The Gift of Knowledge - During our spiritual journey in preparation for Confirmation, you have been studying the teachings of the Church, the Sacred Scriptures (most especially the Book of the Acts of the Apostles), the Lives and writings of the Saints (Your Confirmation Patron Saint), while using your daily experiences, God continues to teach you Good from Evil - Right from Wrong. This gift is to help you do  the Good & act on what is Right. The pursuit of knowledge, to better ones judgment of an object, a person, an event - anything that you encounter, show a strong connection you have with God. 

a. This gift helps us to discern teachings, and teachers if they are telling the truth. It also urges us to search for the truth in order to protect and defend ourselves from false teachings. (Matthew 7:13-23)

b. The lesson of the Rich Young Man calls us to the attention of the use of our Knowledge. If I say, "I love God", then it should mean that you have sacrificed some thing or things to deepen that relationship. If you have not, it will show to those who hear your testimony, because your actions do not show this relationship with God is real. (Luke 18:8-30)

c. When we say, "I love God", it is believed that you follow His Commandments and Teachings, and try to put it into practice. (John 14:22-26

2. The Gift of Piety - Another word for Reverence, which means to show the value or worth to an object, teaching, person, activity, an event, etc. When it comes to God, and His creations as well as inspirations, we are drawn to God by these. There is nothing wrong in acknowledging their value, since we believe they come from God. Piety is shown or exercised by how we place importance - like on a Sunday, I God to Mass not because I am told, but this urge to be close to God, to learn from God, and to love God. It looks like a PRACTICE, but it turns into a habit, a wanting, an action that comes from my heart and mind. Part of our Piety is connected to how we treat our parents, siblings, our teachers, and mentors, and people. 

a. Jesus reminds us in the Prayer of the Our Father: God is First, our Neighbor is Second, we should be last, because we think of the other person who needs us. (Matthew 6:9-15)

3. The Gift of the Fear of the Lord - Also known as the experience of Wonder and Awe, helps me to avoid any chances I may have in offending or displeasing God. This extends to those who are close to us: Family, friends, our neighbors (It includes our enemies - are they really?), even life on this world (the pets in your care, the land, our natural surroundings, etc). 

a. The Fear of the Lord helps me to recognize the value of our relationship with God and Neighbor. (Matthew 5:27-30)

b. The woman who lived a sinful life, searches for the Lord in order to change her life. (Luke 7:36-50)

II - Grace and Gifts are needed to know, love, and respond to God.

1. The Grace and Gifts given to us in Confirmation, help us to respond to God, and to His call to service. At the same time, my soul and body are transformed towards Him who saves me. This transformation continues to grow in me by way of my Worship, in other words, you look to Him as worthy for your surrender. I loving surrender, not as a slave who is forced, but one who freely gives God their life.The act of Worship is

a. Our participation and attention to Mass every Sunday, and weekday. 

b. When we receive Him in Communion, and visit Him at Church before the Tabernacle or Monstrance at Holy Hour.

c. When we come to Him in the Sacrament of Confession - Monthly. 

d. By following a structure of daily prayer: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night, a Devotion, etc. We must be consistent in your prayer.  

Let us pray:

O good Jesus: Word of  Eternal Father, convert me.
Son of Mary, take me as her child.
My Master, teach me
Prince of Peace, give me peace
My Refuge, receive me
My Shepherd, feed my soul.
Model of patience, comfort me

Meek and humble of Heart, help me to become like you.
My redeemer, save me
My God and my All, possess me.
The true Way, direct me

Life of the saints, make me live in you
My Support, strengthen me
My Justice, justify me
My Mediator with your Father, reconcile me.
Physician of my soul, heal me
My Judge, pardon me
My King, rule me
My Sanctification, sanctify me
Abyss of goodness, pardon me.

Living Bread from Heaven, nourish me
Father of the prodigal, receive me
Joy of my soul, be my only happiness
My Helper, assist me
My Protector, defend me 
My Hope, sustain me
Object of my love, refresh me
My Divine Victim, atone for me
My Last End, let me possess you
My Glory, glorify meAmen.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

Queen of Angels, pray for us. 
HOMEWORK #14 - Due Sunday

I - Reflection Question

1. In "II", under letters "A - D", which one of these do you find easy or hard to practice? Why? 

II - Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 28 - Answer these questions

1. What Island as St. Paul stranded on? How was he welcomed?
2. What happened to St Paul when he helped the fire for warmth? What did they think of St. Paul when that surprise happened?
3. Who did St. Paul cure on the Island?
4. When St. Paul traveled to Rome, how was he treated along his journey? 
5. Who did he speak to in Rome?
6. Where does the story end for St. Paul in the Book of Acts of the Apostles?

For Extra Credit - Why does St. Paul have a Sword?