Thursday, November 11, 2021

Your Initiation: Called to Stand for Christ – (PT2) Lesson 5

I - The Pope and the Sacrament of Confirmation

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1. In 1971, Pope Paul VI encouraged the Church to make adjustments in showing the value of the Celebration for Confirmation. The Sacred Oil used for the celebration was highlighted for the Community find value in the precious and natural - this Sacred Oil was called CHRISM and a mixture of Olive Oil and Balsam. Presented at the Cathedral Holy Thursday Mass, the Cardinal, Archbishop, or Bishop consecrates the Sacred Oils and then distributes it in bottles for Pastors to bring back to their Parish. 

2. Pope Paul VI wanted to also bring meaning to the action of LAYING ON OF HANDS and the Update of the formula of prayer used for Confirmation. 

3. When the Cardinal, Archbishop, or Bishop confers, he anoints our forehead with the Sign of the Cross, saying "Receive the seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit". We reply, "AMEN". 

    a. Now, the words that are said by the Cardinal, Archbishop, or Bishop is, "[YOUR SAINT NAME], be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit." The Church that the anointing is crucial to receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

4. The Church believes and teaches that when we celebrate Confirmation with LAYING OF HANDS and the ANOINTING of the forehead, along with words - we show the transmission of the Holy Spirit, going back to Pentecost. It's our Spiritual Genealogy, which shows us the Gift that God gives to us as the Church.

II - How do you and I grow in the Divine Life of Grace? 

1. We believe that we grow in Divine Life of Grace through the Sacraments, Prayer, Hearing the Word of God, and Service to others in need. In other words, to be Christ in your world. 

Love of Neighbor - Read Matthew 5:38-48 
Almsgiving & Prayer - Read Matthew 6:1-15
The Twofold Way & False Leadership - Read Matthew 7:1-5
The House Built on a Rock - Read Matthew 7:24-29
Persevering Prayer - Read Luke 11:5-17
The Last Judgement - Read Matthew 25:31-46
Asking In Christ's Name - Read John 16:23-27

HOMEWORK # 5 - Due Sunday

1. Click on the Picture of Pope Paul VI - Who is this man? What do you think is his gift to the world? 

2. In "II", choose 1 THEME that is bold and write about your Calling in Life in connection to the Scripture? 

3. Read Acts of the Apostles 

Chapter 7 & 8 - Answer these Questions 

1. Name the 7 people that St. Stephen mentioned in his discourse? Include a brief summary of their actions next to their name.

2. Who was the young man that witnessed the stoning of St. Stephen?

3. What did St. Philip do in Samaria? What was the reaction of the people?

4. What was Simon the Magician’s final reply to St. Peter?

5. St. Philip’s explained the Prophet’s Message to the Eunich – who was the person that the message was addressing?  

Thursday, November 4, 2021

There is Something About Mary (part 2) - Sainthood

I - Review:
    * Mary is a central figure in our faith, for she is the Mother of Jesus, who is our Lord and Savior.
    * Mary was a teenager when she was informed that she had been chosen by God. Her "yes" is also known as "Fiat" (which means "let it be done").
    * She is the one who asks Jesus to perform his first public miracle at what is called "The Wedding at Cana" (read Gospel of John, Chapter 2, verses 1-12).

II - Mary points the way to Jesus = what is a saint?
    * Mary is considered one of the first saints in our faith. Through her life, she models for us the characteristics required to be a saint: courage, trust, faith, love, hope.
    * What is a saint? Take a look at the video below:

III - Can YOU be a saint?
    * Saints can come from all walks of life, all ages, all around the world. They inspire others to get closer to God and live the life they are called to live. Each person has a calling to be saints, including YOU!
    * Part of being a saint, means our call/goal to be holy. The word "Holy" means to be set apart. All of us are called to live a life of holiness. But what does that mean?

  * Saints are not only our friends, but in many ways, our lawyers. They "intercede" for us and our needs. They pray for us and ask God on our behalf for help. But you must get to know them too!

IV - Patron Saints and Confirmation
    * As part of your Confirmation journey, you will be asked to select a saint whom you want to intercede for you for the rest of your life.
    * This saint will become your patron, and they are the ones to pray for you and with you when you need it the most!
    * Saints are also patrons of different interests: sports, professions, countries, etc. There is a patron saint for almost everything! You can start your search for YOUR patron saint based on your interests...

V - HOMEWORK (due on 11/7/21) & REMINDERS
* Please make sure you complete the HW for Session #4!
* We will meet next week, 11/11/2021
* Read the Gospel of John, Chapter 2, verses 1-12
    - What is the one thing that stood out for you?
* As you think of sainthood: what qualities do YOU possess that you can find in saints?
* What qualities will you look for when choosing a saint? Do you have someone in mind?