Saturday, April 25, 2020

SAMPLE - His Strength Is All You Need (Lesson 1)

Here is a sample of how a class would work. Students will be reminded to log into GOTO MEETING
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The notes begin here. Based on the theme of the Class, you can add a picture or suggest a pic that you would like for me to post up, a long with your notes. 

When was the last time you bought new shoes?

You can use the bold function for different parts of your notes. SEE "I" on the dash board above this document.

I – Just as my Body Grows, my Spiritual Life Grows 

1. Every year, your parents celebrate the day of your birth. It is a constant reminder for you that you are getting older and maturing physically and also spiritually.

You can use the italics function for different parts of your notes - SEE DASH BOARD for Icon

a. Baptism reminds you of this constant renewal of life                                                 

b. Communion reminds you that God is always their to take care of you physically and spiritually 

c. In Confirmation, God is going strengthen you with His Love and Blessing. 

2. Confirmation goes hand and hand with your maturing in life.

a. Just as your body needs nourishment for strength, your soul needs the Eucharist for spiritual and physical strength to face the challenges in life. 

b. God will always remind you that He will be by your side. How? 

II – Jesus made a promise to His friends, the Disciples. He will send the Holy Spirit

1. Remember, we believe in One God, in Three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

2. The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity

3. Why do we need the Spirit?

a. When a human being is not moving, it is believed that his or her spirit has left them?

b. God gives us our own spirit, to live.

c. Just as we have a body - together, we make up what is called the Church. As we need a spirit, the Church needs the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is what moves the Church.

d. We need the Holy Spirit to help us come closer to God. We also need the Holy Spirit to help us to believe “We are children of God”. This is why we call God our Father. We also need the Holy Spirit to give us Strength to be like Jesus, who was not afraid to tell people about His Father’s Plan of Salvation.

4. Here are some Bible verses to look at about the Holy Spirit giving strength to Jesus:

a. Jesus receives Baptism and sees the Holy Spirit: (pg 84, # 14) Matthew 3:13-17

b. Jesus is lead by the Spirit to help people: (pg 86, #16) John 1:19-34

c. He relied on the Spirit of God to help Him (pg 206-207, #127) John 14:15-21

d. He also acknowledged that the Spirit was the one who strengthen Him: (Same as 4c)

5. Knowing the Spirit of God – Jesus promised His friends that the Holy Spirit will help them in times of trials and sufferings. He will strengthen their faith.

6. Before Jesus died and after He died, Jesus promised them that the Spirit, where He will stay with them forever. This meant that the Holy Spirit will stay with you too!

7. He would give to His Disciples Strength to face obstacles in their lives and in the lives of others, as they will give hope to people – This is the same Spirit that God wants to give to you.

In this video, Chris Padgett explains the experience of receiving the Holy Spirit. Check it out

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QUESTION: Name that Obstacle in your life that scares you, makes you doubt yourself, and does not let you believe in what God can do for you? Chris Padgett speaks of what the Holy Spirit can do for you - name "1" strength you want from the Holy Spirit to get you over that obstacle?

We can place a link for a document or file you want us to post on this class. The student can click on it like a website, and be sent to a PDF File for them to download, print, and/or read. You must send to the RELED email so I can prep the file. This can be useful for Homework, Extra Credit Work, Study sheets, etc. See for yourself under REMINDER and MEMORIZE. 

REMINDER: Read these notes for next weeks Quiz. Memorize the Apostles Creed, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and Glory Be. Click here!